Tuesday, March 3, 2009

And later today, he's leaving me....

For Josh's job, he travels sometimes. Most trips are only day trips, with the occasional overnighter. Although, I hate when he's away, I know all of this is a requirement for his job, and I don't fight it too often...(unless the weather is bad!)

However, this evening, Josh will be going to Chicago, until late Sunday night. Although I know the reason this trip is so lengthy is due to him visiting family while in Chicago.

Due to my neurological issues, I've been tending to remember less and less. I even managed to loose my glasses the other day, after placing them in that spot only 10 minutes earlier. I also tend to go ask Josh a question, only to get the question half way out of my mouth, and completely forget what I was going to ask. Needless to say, my once remarkable memory is now garbage.

Josh told me he was going to write me a note, and tape it to the front door reminding me to empty the dehumidifier in our basement. No big deal...I've never done it before, he always does it, so yes, I would probably forget to empty it...no biggie.

When I saw the note taped on our door this morning, I walked over to check it out. Not only did he remind me to empty the dehumidifier, he also included a reminder for me to WALK THE DOG.

Really, Josh!? I was just going to let her pee and poop in your closet until Sunday night! No worries!

Trust me, I shall take a picture of this friendly reminder when I get home!

Have a safe trip my Joshua! I love you!

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