This is something I've been putting a ton of thought into, and now, I feel as if, I may possibly be able to put all my words down, for you to see!
On April 18, 2008, I had no expectations what so ever of being in a relationship at that time. What I was looking for, was a friend to hang out with, and drink a few beers while eating some delicious pizza! (Classy chick, I am! I know!) I saw your U-Haul parked right in front of 175 Jay Street and pulled up in front of you. I looked behind me, to see you sitting there, looking beyond exhausted! You were wearing jeans, your long sleeved, green button up shirt, and your Bob Marleys! I had NO idea at that time how to parallel park, leading to the scream of "Oh my god Josh! Come help me park this car!" You of course, ran over and parked my car for me, even grabbing the beer and carrying it upstairs!
As we walked into your apartment, which would be ours, only a few short weeks later, I walked into a studio, probably the size of my parents current closet, in shock, that someone could live in a place so small! At that time, I got to meet Josh's mother, Marci. She is a very kind lady, who spent the evening telling me stories about Josh and his family. I truly enjoyed that!
Josh then hopped in the shower, and when he got out, we went and returned the U-haul, and to pick up pizza for dinner. The first bit of the ride I was quiet, but I quickly opened up and felt very comfortable around him. We then headed over to Paesans and got a pizza. (Honey, I should of told you this months ago, but there is a Paesans on Central, right by that gas station we stopped at that day!) While waiting for our pizza, we sat out front talking, enjoying the beautiful day outside! That is also the first time we saw "Got Toa5t!" Actually, it was probably the last time also, but we still bring it up!
We ate pizza and chatted until about 10:30p.m. and left Marci to sleep, while we went out and explored Lark Street. We ended up at a bar called Justin's. We tossed back some beers, and some Cherry Vodka Shots. We also shared our first kiss in this bar.
Saturday, Josh spent the day in Connecticut with his mother at Ikea. That day was odd for me. For some reason, I missed Josh. I missed seeing his beautiful eyes and hearing his addictive laugh. I couldn't get him out of my mind.
Sunday, after Marci left, I met him at the apartment, and we spent the entire day together, it was wonderful!
On Monday, May 5th, I had an appointment with my neurologist. That day, he ordered for me to have a sleep deprived EEG the following morning, meaning, I had to to stay awake for about 26 hours straight, before the test was performed.
Josh met me at my moms house, where I was currently living, with a dozen pink roses in hand. I was so taken back by this gesture! Josh, knowing that I was going to have a very rough night, brought the roses, to tell me that everything would be okay!
Around 2a.m., on Tuesday, May 6th, 2008, my sleep deprivation was really catching up with me, to the point where I felt VERY sick. Josh was kind enough to wake up, get dressed, and take me on a walk around my moms neighborhood, to help me feel better, and keep me awake. He held my hand, rubbed my back, and walked slowly with me, on our half hour long walk. As we turned onto Greylock Drive, something in me felt completely different. By the time we turned back on Challedon, I had it figured out. During that walk, where Josh was being so kind, and gentle with me, I had fallen in love with him.
And here we are today, living in our home, as happy as ever, with our dog, Lola! Were getting ready to embark on a new journey together within the next couple of months, and I'm very anxious, but at the same time, I feel safe, knowing that you'll be with me every second of the ride!
So here's to you, sweetheart! Over the past 301 days, you've made my life beyond amazing! I can't wait to see what comes next over the next days, weeks, months, and years! You are the apple, or carrot of my eye, and I love you more than any imaginable amount possible. You are the love of my love!
Here's to you babe! Happy Valentines Day!

Keep up the smiling, it lights up my world!
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