Sunday, March 8, 2009

Only about 5 hours now!!

Until I pick Josh up from the airport, and I can NOT wait!

The past couple of days...(read as 5 days) have completely sucked. However, Josh being sick, and not being here, was fine with me, because, I don't need to get sick again! Also, nobody hogging all of my blankets at night, was quite amazing, also!

So, one may ask, if your not sick, and you kept warm every night he was gone, how could this possibly suck?

Perhaps, the fall, up the basement stairs while carrying a full dehumidifier bucket could of made it suck! That does include the painful, large bruise on my leg.

Or was it the lovely neck spasms all night Friday night, into Saturday morning that led to a day of feeling like I got my ass kicked while vomiting, most of the day?

However, I think the most suckalicious part of the weekend was sweet Lola's front door escape trick that sent her down the street to play in a ton of mud, while pouring rain outside!

It also led to an improptu bath in the front yard, while still in the pouring rain.

Josh, you better come home tonight. You are REALLY needed home! I love you and miss you!

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